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Historical Foreign Exchange Lookup in FileMaker

Scripts to look up Foreign Exchange rates seem to be something of a recurring item on this blog. It is because the Internet keeps changing and what worked last year, doesn’t necessarily work this year. Also, this time, I had a need for looking up foreign exchange rates on a specific date. I found another […]

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Export Calendar Files from FileMaker – the easy way!

I have written about this multiple times in the past and thought I was done with this, but apparently not. A reader from Germany reported that there was a problem with a certain type of export and could I just tweak the script to make it work.

Why fix something minor, when I can rewrite the entire script?

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Word Processing Functions in FileMaker using Buttons and Scripts

…a new post specifically detailing this version and how to add these features to your own database.

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Deleting Files from Your Computer Using Native FileMaker Pro

Why would you want to delete files in the Finder from FileMaker Pro? Once the files are imported into FileMaker, they are removed from the user’s ‘Scanner Document’ folder on the Desktop of their computer.

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Using AppleScript to send FileMaker data to Apple Notes App

Recently, a friend asked me about automating the export of data from FileMaker to Evernote. A web search found that someone had already figured this out. I thought this might be useful to send data to Notes, the app that I use.

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Ever wish there was a way to ‘Send to FileMaker’ from your Web Browser?

Turns out there is a fairly easy way to do this. It involves creating a bookmark in your web browser that is written in Javascript. It calls a FileMaker script using the URL scheme ‘FMP’ and sends the web page title, and the page’s URL to FileMaker. Once you have this in FileMaker, you can […]

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Display Formatted Text in a Web Viewer

This idea has been documented before, (Using a Web Viewer as a Field) but I rediscovered it myself recently and thought I might have something to add. As was pointed out in The Support Group article, sometimes as a developer, you want to display a long chunk of text (anything that requires scrolling within a field) to the user, but not allow them to edit that text. Some examples might include displaying a block of help text, or a long software agreement. It is obviously possible to format your text using HTML to achieve this effect, but that can become complicated especially if you are not that good at HTML. Fortunately FileMaker offers a much simpler way to display formatted text this using the GetAsCSS function.

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Smart Phone Caller ID Triggers Customer Search in FileMaker Pro Database

A while back, I did a blog entry on capturing Caller ID to look up FileMaker database contacts using a VOIP system. I thought it might be interesting to see if the same thing could be done with just a mobile phone, such as an iPhone or Android device.

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Alphabetic Search Buttons using Button Bars in FileMaker 14

FileMaker Pro 14’s new button bar brings a new twist to an old technique for creating alphabetic searches of your data. Instead of creating 26 individual buttons it is possible to create a single button bar object and then easily reformat it using text style changes or FileMaker CSS style changes. The button bar can also be repurposed to horizontal or vertical layouts. Finally I demonstrate how to use the same script from different contexts to perform different searches — a list search and a portal filter.

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Automating Webcam Photo Capture within FileMaker (Windows)

OK folks, here is a hack for you. The Challenge: Capturing images from a web cam into FileMaker on Windows. I was able to achieve this previously on a Mac using AppleScript, but there is no similar easy inter-application scripting language on Windows. FileMaker Go on mobile has the ability to grab photos right from […]

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Create Folders from FileMaker Pro Using AppleScript on a Macintosh

Someone on one of the Facebook FileMaker Group pages recently asked for a simple method, using AppleScript of creating a folder on the Desktop. FileMaker Pro can generate a variety of file formats, including Text, PDF and Excel, and it is possible to script the names of these files. It is also possible to script […]

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Tools for New FileMaker Developers – How to make a million bucks…

FileMaker has a bit of a push on right now to get new developers into working with the FileMaker Pro platform. They recently launched a webpage on their main website to encourage new developers considering the platform. At the recent FileMaker DevCon they talked it up and encouraged developers to help enlisting others to the […]

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Applescript Notification from FileMaker

FileMaker developers (and other app developers) are always looking for better ways to communicate information to their users. System level notifications have proven to be an effective way of sending short ‘dissolving’ messages to users. These Notification messages show up in the top right corner of the users screen, make a little chime, hang around for […]

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Exporting vCards from FileMaker Pro

Update 2019-06-12: A reader asked about getting this to work on iOS and it prompted me to ditch the Virtual List method and use the much simpler Text Encode Function that was introduced in FileMaker 16.  This simplifies the integration into other systems as well. Now you just need to add two fields (UUID and FieldExport) and two scripts (edit the one with the REQUIRED FIELDS) to add this functionality to any database.

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Hiding in Plain Sight: Using Invisible Tab Panels for Pick Lists

Recently I attended a FileMaker UI/UX Masterclass (UI = User Interface, UX = User Experience) session put on by FileMaker Canada in Vancouver. The session’s main presenter was Yann Liqueur-Salzédo from Infografix in Nice, France. Yann’s innovative design work wowed the crowd at the 2012 FileMaker DevCon in Florida. He has recently launched a web […]

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